Facebook Ad Copy Template for Garage Door Businesses
Tested & Repeatable
by Garrett Barth at Snowballs Media
We've created Facebook ads for over 40 businesses, this is the ad format to perform the highest ↓
The Template
Is your garage door looking sad?
Having an ugly door can prevent you from ever falling in love with your home, but replacing it costs an arm and a leg...
We hate how much it sucks to replace our own garages, so we make it as easy as possible for you to fix yours.
We offer free estimates 24/7 and fully transparent pricing.
Click the link to book a free estimate
To start, identify the problem that someone would be having if they need your professional help.
Garage door replacement = "they have an ugly garage door"
Garage door repair = "Their garage door is giving them trouble"
For your first line, write 1 short sentence asking the reader if they are having the specific problem you solve.
Garage door replacement = "Is your garage door looking sad?"
Garage door repair = "Is your garage door giving you trouble?"
Double space.
For your second part, sympathizing with why they may not have bought your service already.
This is an opportunity to address tough sales objections up front.
Confront your most common objections immediately here within our ad for two reasons:
a. To emotionally connect with the lead and prove to them that we understand why they have not already purchased the same thing from someone else.
b. Improve the lead quality further and guarantee you are more likely to close the people who click “book a call.”
Double space.
Is your garage door looking sad?
Having an ugly door can prevent you from ever falling in love with your home, but replacing it costs an arm and a leg...
We hate how much it sucks to replace our own garages, so we make it as easy as possible for you to fix yours.
We offer free estimates 24/7 and fully transparent pricing.
Click the link to book a free estimate
Is your garage door looking sad?
Having an ugly door can prevent you from ever falling in love with your home, but replacing it costs an arm and a leg...
We hate how much it sucks to replace our own garages, so we make it as easy as possible for you to fix yours.
We offer free estimates 24/7 and fully transparent pricing.
Click the link to book a free estimate
In this part, we want to empathize with the reader and make them feel understood.
This way, when we propose a solution to their problem , they are more likely to trust us.
After we make their pain felt understood, we will propose our solution as the answer.
It is important to be as relatable as possible, real life stories and examples can be VERY useful.
Double space.
Lastly, clearly explain how the reader can reach you.
I cannot emphasize being clear and specific enough.
Tell them what to do next and what they can do from there.
Add your link.
Make sure you send traffic to a high performing landing page, or at least somewhere that will quickly and reliably direct customers on what to do next.
Make sure it is not a weird looking link.
Good: mikesgaragedoors.com
Bad: mikesgaragedoors@wixdomains/1575223343555
Is your garage door looking sad?
Having an ugly door can prevent you from ever falling in love with your home, but replacing it costs an arm and a leg...
We hate how much it sucks to replace our own garages, so we make it as easy as possible for you to fix yours.
We offer free estimates 24/7 and fully transparent pricing.
Click the link to book a free estimate
The Result:
Is your garage door looking sad?
Having an ugly door can prevent you from ever falling in love with your home, but replacing it costs an arm and a leg...
We hate how much it sucks to replace our own garages, so we make it as easy as possible for you to fix yours.
We offer free estimates 24/7 and fully transparent pricing.
Click the link to book a free estimate 👇